Patrick's Birth Story

Monday,  October 12th at 4:00 in the evening my contractions started. I was one week over due and ready to get the show on the road. Little did I know that Patrick wouldn't make his arrival until almost 34 hours later. My longest labor to date. 

Early Tuesday morning (13th)  around 3am I told Aric that he should probably stay home from work. My contractions were the same. Hit or miss, but mostly 6-8 minutes apart and lasting over a minute. I knew that they weren't where they needed to be and was battling in my mind if I was just making all of it up. I was more worried about calling my birth team in too early then delivering a baby by myself. I decided that regardless I wanted someone to come check on me around the 24 hr mark. I just needed reassurance that I and baby were ok. 

My amazing doula came around the 18 hr mark. Checked on me and took my girls apple picking. That left Aric and I alone for several hours. Contractions were still the same and with no signs of cervical changes we decided to try the miles circuit. Aric holding my hips up for 30 minutes while jamming to Disturbed to pass the time. Followed by a 30 minute nap in a specific position. My nap lasted more like an hour and was much needed. My doula arrived back with my girls as I was moving to the last position of the circuit. Then we went for a walk around the block with the puppies. Around that time my mom had arrived with much needed provisions. I scarfed down so much chicken salad. I was STARVING! Got a huge burst of energy after and just bounced on the ball a bit. 

Shortly after that my Midwife arrived. She checked vitals and my cervix. I was 6 cm with bulging waters. Asked for a sweep to persuade things along. Huge relief because up until that point I had convinced myself I was a huge faker!                                     


After that update I texted my birth photographer and she decided it was time to head my way. All of my birth team were 45 minutes to an hour away. So it was important to maintain good communication with everyone involved. My midwife and her assistant went to eat dinner in town and I was left to labor some more. These contractions were unlike any others. Normally my contractions feel like menstral cramps times 100. This time it was sharp, ripping cervical pain. Even outside of a contraction if I was putting any pressure on my cervix it felt like it was splitting in two. 

I got in the tub for a bit. I had practiced which positions were comfortable before hand and was happy with my picks. My birth photographer arrived while I was in the tub. We talked a bit. She took some pictures and I asked Aric to show her around.


I didn't last very long in the tub. My contractions were still the same length and duration so I ended back in bed. I wanted to try to sleep some before the real work began. It was incredibly painful in bed and I tried to quietly get back in the tub without waking up Aric. It had already been such a long day and I wanted him to nap as long as possible. 

Laboring in the water,  while still painful was much better than on land. It was warm and quiet. I'm not sure of the time anymore. My midwife was back from dinner. Took vitals and I asked for a cervical check again. I'm in some serious pain now. 7 cm. I felt defeated. All that time passed for 1 cm! I asked for another sweep and told her to tell me why I didn't want her to break my waters. I totally didn't want her to. But I'm exhausted and this is taking so long. She told me all the reasons why (which I know) After the sweep things got uncomfortable. I'm rocking along with some intense contractions. I no longer am able to get through them with out being vocal. I'm starting to feel embarrassed and don't want the girls to see me that way. Had a small moment of crying over everything I had been through. Losing the boys. Overwhelmed with the pain of all of it. Everyone just held me and let me work through those emotions. 

I needed counter pressure in the tub. I had no idea how I could accomplish that so I was just digging my fists into my back with each contraction. I finally spoke what I needed and wished I could get my wrap wet. My doula suggested a sheet to wrap around me. Guys! This was genius and truly the only way I got through this part of my labor. According to time stamps on my pictures this was about 3 hours. It was excruciating. I was done. Every other contraction I was either screaming in my head or crying. One second I was telling myself I couldn't do it and praying to God to take away the pain and the next was saying I've done harder things. You can do this! 

In the midst of all of this every hr my team was checking his heart beat and making sure I was ok. Aric was so in tune with my body. Giving me that needed pressure across my back so I could just focus on getting through each contraction. He only missed one! My doula applying wet rags to my head. Both making sure my water was hot enough. Saying I couldn't have done it with out the two of them would be an understatement. They were crucial to my successful home birth. As well as knowing I was in a safe environment. I felt so confident in my team. Without speaking everyone knew what I needed. I barley spoke. It took so much energy breathing through the contractions I had to recoup during the breaks.



Soon though I wasn't getting any breaks between and I knew in order for the pain to stop I was going to have to push. The next surge I pushed a little and I could feel that it was time. The pushing illeviated some of the pain. I half pushed a couple of times but I was done. The next one I decided to really push. Within the next 60 seconds my water broke as his head came out and with the flip of my hip he was on my chest. 2:55 am on Wednesday the 14th. 




Now this is where things get hazy. Only with the help of pictures can I piece it together. I was so out of it for several minutes. Trying to process the pain and exhaustion. Then it all clicked and there was my baby!! I did it! I had my son! He was perfect. 


The sounds started to register and my bathroom was alive. All smiles. All thankful baby arrived and safely. Things started to move a bit faster now. I passed the placenta. 

Aric took baby and placenta so I could get out of the tub and cleaned up. He came out so fast I told my midwife I felt like I tore badly. She agreed and went to check. To both of our surprise I didn't and was so thankful. 


Aricah snugged up to me while brother was getting checked over and that's when I realized Bryn wasn't there! She was still asleep. Poor girl, My mom went and got her and she was so upset. 

I was in a hurry to get all the things done. I just wanted to stuff my face, snuggle with my baby and get my girls back to bed. Aric is hand feeding me while I nurse for the first time. He latched like a little champ It was perfect. After that I move back to the bathroom to change and get cleaned up. I get into my pajamas and settle in the chair. Where I eat some more and nurse again. The after pains (which I planned for) were excruciating. They always are and it truly sucks. So nursing those first couple of days is always so painful. 

And this guy! My Rock My Partner. Huge shout out to the man I love. Thank you for supporting me during this pregnancy and my home birth. I love You so much! We made one beautiful baby! 


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