Supporting each other

Yesterday was a dramatic day for me. I went to a hollister nurse in. Because a manger humiliated yelling at a momma nursing her 7 month old daughter. Told he she had to stop or leave. This I the event that created the nurse in.

Mine went well. I was there alone nursing my 11 month old daughter. My 4 and 3 year olds at toe. And my little sister Katie standing guard. Mostly helping with the other 2. A mall guard walked by almost every other minute. But I was giving no trouble. We nursed she was done we left. Easy peasy like it should be.

Others were not as lucky! It's so sad really. Moms no matter what we do get judge and ridiculed for it.

We bottle feed (oh she's not giving that baby the best)
We nurse (I can't believe they are doing that in public)
We diaper (they are hurting our environment)
We cloth diaper (ewwww)
We let them CIO (they don't love their child)
We wear our baby (how will they learn to walk? Your spoiling them)
We do not vaccinate (your killing your child
We do vaccinate (your killing your child)

The list can go on!!! We as moms need to support one another! What one mom does I'm sure she has thought long and hard about all possible scenarios and she has chosen the best route for her family.

How many times as a mom to we continue to question our decisions? Go back and worth weighing the options? I know I do. But I've finally made a sound decision. What ever it is!

I normally say nothing and hope no mom has felt judged by me. The only topic I will voice my option on is car seats and forward facing infants who's spine has not fused together yet and risk of decapatation is sooo high in an accident But that's another blog lol

We need to feel empowered and supported. No matter what our choices or circumstances. So go out super mommas and show your support ;)


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