
Showing posts from March, 2014


A long long time ago :) 9 ish years ago, there was a boy and a girl sitting in a car talking and kissing. Savoring every moment until she had to run into her house to make curfew. Those lasts few moments she asked, "sing me something?"  Now the boy was not much of a singer and it took a little encouragement. But then suddenly, he belts out in a very low monotone voice... "You are my Sunshine my only sunshine. You make me happy when sky's are grey. You'll never know dear how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away. "  During their courtship this song was sung quite a few times with less encouragement each time. It was a special time.  Now, we are married and expecting our 4th little girl. He still sings this song to me. He sings it to our children and they sing it to us. Every night before bed, multiple times, in multiple keys sometimes multiple keys within one rendition we sing this song as a family. Miss Bryn sings it beautifully and one day...

Operation Home Birth

After the birth of Brynlee I knew any subsequent pregnancies I wanted a home birth. Her labor and delivery opened my eyes and made me realize a hospital birth was not for me and I would NEVER allow any "professional" to treat me that way again!  When Bryn was over a year old I started becoming apart of our local homebirth community. Soaking in information asking some questions. I stayed in contact with Felicia (who was my doula) pretty regularly. I knew it was a matter of time before we would try again. I had certain things that needed to happen though before deciding on a fourth. 1st was to figure out my prolapse bladder issue, 2nd  working on my ph levels and 3rd, the big one, buying a house.  In August of 2013 we put a bid on a house. After counter offering lots of times we decided to back off. A week later we got a call that the seller wanted to work with us and accepted our highest offer. That's when the fun began. The last week of August I found out I was pregnant. ...